Please use this form to submit your species registrations and photos for ID. Register as many species as you would like, but please only one registration per form. Photos are not expected to be of high quality, but MUST be of your fish that you are registering. Photos taken in the past or from the Internet do not identify the fish you are keeping and will not be accepted for registration. Please use the file name format: species name_your name_CARES club_submission date. For instance: Etroplus canarensis_James Fish_FOTAS_9-15-18.
Thank you for your wonderful and much appreciated help with the registration process! To contact CARES officers please refer to main contact form.
Please be sure to include:
a) your postal address (optional).
b) your telephone number (optional).
c) species name.
d) where or from whom obtained.
e) collection location, if available.
f) when obtained (approximate date is fine).
g) whether or not the colony has produced fry.
h) your CARES affiliate organization.